May 10, 2013

Fine Art Friday: Jane Alexander - "Surveys (From The Cape of Good Hope)"

Readers will note that I am a big fan of art that makes folks uncomfortable and the recent work of Jane Alexander installed at The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine (Amsterdam Avenue in NYC) is a perfect match. Though it is similar to her installation work with the Museum for African Art, the work is equally powerful, strange and disorienting in the open space and architecture of the New York church setting.

More images and story after the jump

To quote the Museum of African Art:

While Alexander's figures are, in many ways, emblems of monstrosity, they are oddly beautiful. Her creatures expose the human animal for all it is and all it could become. Though clearly concerned with social issues, Alexander's sculptural installations and photographs do not judge, nor do they convey a particular political or moral standpoint." 

"There is no glorification of human misery here, only recognition of human tenacity and will, dignity among the wretched, a hint of the thread that connects us all and beyond." 
--Ash Amin, On Being Human

Photo credits: Juxtapoz via NY Times

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