Greetings people,
So as I was cleaning out my CD spindles from years and years of trying to create the perfect mixtape, which i have yet to do, I came across demo CD's, debuts and singles from local and regional artists I have encountered throughout my life. Many of these acts have been artists from
Kentucky (Louisville, Bowling Green, Hopkinsville),
Wisconsin (Madison, Milwaukee), Illinois (Chicago, Rockford) and New York (Brooklyn, 5 Boroughs) and others. I decided to compile these albums and post them for people to listen to. Many of them are not high quality, but there is something I admire about even the lowest guy on the totem pole of the hip-hop world, feeling confident enough about his work to "put it out there" for everyone to hear.
I will provide brief descriptions of how I acquired these items and upload the albums one at a time. I would love some feedback on many of these acts. So many of them disappeared from the radar of the general public, but these all bring me back to a moment in time, whatever the quality is of the recording.
Keep an eye out below for the links!