Jun 15, 2012

Fine Art Friday: June 15, 2012

R.I.P. - STAY HIGH 149

Legendary New York graffiti writer, Wayne “Stay High 149" Roberts, passed away yesterday at the age of 61.  The artist, who began making a name for himself as early as 1971, was known for his images of a smoking stick figure and catch phrase/logo “Voice of the Ghetto” tags.

After a long absence from the graf world, Stay High 149 was honored with a retrospective art show circa 2000. Even in his older age, Stay High continued to write his name in the street and influenced thousands of young graf artists and writers around the world. R.I.P. to one of the O.G.'s. Check out his website while it still exists: http://www.stayhigh149.com/

LUVJONEZ MUSIC @ PINTEREST http://pinterest.com/luvjonezmusic/

If you want to dig further into other stuff that I ramble about, Pinterest houses alot of these items that I never get a chance to post. Check it out if interested!

I came across the work of Sophie Jodoin back around 2008 and was struck and the detail of her fairly small work. Using primarily mylar sheets and black gesso, she manages to develop remarkable textures and contrast in her work that makes me super jealous of her process. She continues to put out thought-provoking work and masterful images of dramatic and sad qualities. Check out her site for more of her black and white drama! http://www.sophiejodoin.com/

Such a simple idea to ink up dead or dying tree stumps to reflect their age rings and historic development, but expertly executed to show every possible detail. I am not the biggest fan of "earth" art , but the intricate patterns and flaws in these prints are hypnotic and depressing when considering the life cycle of all things. Very Walden of me I know, but check out Nash Gill's site for more of these prints. http://www.bryannashgill.com/

WK INTERACT - New Projects

Plenty has been said bout WK Interacts work, so I won't act like this is the first time anyone has seen his work, but the image above and the video below is the result of a collaboration with the ad agency TWBA called FORTY. The video is almost pornographic in the detail or spray cans, brushed glue and dripping paint, but it is always interesting to see the creative process (even heavily edited) of a large art installation with so many textures and layers.

For more info on WK Interacts work, check out his site here: http://www.wkinteract.com/

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