May 7, 2012

Subway Series: Gross things I have seen on the NYC subway

To pay tribute to the hundreds of gross things I see in NYC everyday (mostly dog and horse shit on the sidewalks) I decided to start posting these things to give the not New York crowd an insiders guide to the NY streets. Feel free to share your own, but this one was so over-the-top that I had to share:


On my way home last night, while waiting for a train, I noticed a mumbling, cursing and arm-waving crazy lady was standing on the platform peeing on herself (wet pants, puddle at bottom of leg). 

In an effort to avoid her when the train pulled up, I waited for her to pick a car and I went to the next one. However, as soon as I entered the subway car, there was a guy sleeping upright in a seat who woke up, puked what looked and smelled like Cheeze-Its into his hand, then wiped it on the door, then went back to sleep. yay!

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