May 31, 2012

Grandma Got Skills! Stop-motion animation

I promise this will be the last strictly video I post this week, maybe some in Fine art Friday posts, but just so I don't forget to post it....this is a stop-motion quilt put together by Jo Hamilton. She works exclusively with yarn and giant quilt images of people and places, with loose thread showing the craftsmanship of the work overall. I usually run away from anything on the topic of knitting, but done with skill, things like this are impressive. My mom filled the house with knitted "trinkets" and "decor" that was mostly forgettable, according to me, but if she could do stuff like this, I'm pretty sure I would have been proud. check the link out for more and watch the video for a kinda-creepy construction video of the process. With the recent news of face-eating men roaming in LA, this work seems much more relevant.

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