Jun 5, 2012

Rage Against The Machine...Gone Wrong. The Wisconsin Recall Election.

I wish I had more hands so I could give Wisconsin's recall effort four thumbs down. 

Even Emperor Commodus agrees. Divide and conquer at its best.
You may now all bow down to the corporate overlords and Super (powerful) PAC's that will rule the US and the outcome of elections for the foreseeable future.  America, your puppet strings could not be any clearer then they are right now!

Perhaps the world could care less about the results of this midwest election, but the implications of the power and influence of money in politics was in full effect here, with out-of-state Republicans spending upwards of $60 Million, to the opposing Democrats $3 Million, to promote the sitting governor with negative attack ads for any challenger. 

This election is bigger than Wisconsin, for reasons we may not see the true results of for a decade. Money and influence can spend unlimited money to gain position, crush opposition, create laws that allow them to do so anonymously and market themselves however they want in order to get the upper hand. For anyone who ever mumbled about conspiracy theory in politics or ever felt helpless to fight against the 1%, this was your chance. 

Hopefully, the so called 99% will wake up and organize as criminally brilliant as the secret billionaires of the world. Stop waving signs around, trying to be an anonymous horde of protesters marching and rhyming about non-sense and actually get elected to effect some real change from the inside out....or else we will continue the slow slide down the drain pipe of the wealthy.  

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